evianne this is really great for sensitive skin so yeah you can be safe with that I'll see you in the for the most part. Sebum is released to the surface of the skin through the pore. Pores are different from sweat pores, which only produce sweat from the glands. And only when the pore is trapped by dead skin, will comedones a little, which is why sometimes with age or aging skin it can look bigger than normal. Whereas if you and let that air through. Otherwise, you know, you don't want to pass out. You can take breaks too, if you want. This is a treating yourself thing. (Ro: Not a you know...) Yeah, don't force yourself very much beyond control. And you'll find that very quickly your face will feel hot, you'll start sweating, and this is actually really great because sweat expels a lot of toxins from the face as well. So not only are you opening the 


