Androxene you know we've got a great relationship really close as i said we went to the doctor together initially and she's the one that kind of said in a very supportive way you know we should we should go see him um and uh you know for sure she's noticed the positive difference as well often you need the woman to make them make you go isn't it yes yeah yes to her really yes yeah i may still be sat at home together yeah is there anything else that you want to tell us alex or do you think we've covered most of it i think haven't we the only thing maybe i'd mention is that you know even my online blood test was strictly speaking above i think the current nhs sort of threshold for action so even if the gp had agreed to a test and the test had come back with the level that i first noticed with the online test strictly speaking he was you know he didn't have to do anything about it and based on experience he definitely wouldn't have yeah given that he wasn't even willing to test for it um so i would say you know there's a lot of subjectivity within those
