Essential OneSlim Keto The above brief discussion shed some light on the daily routines of athletes including the dietary plans. But there is more to just maintaining a perfect physique for participation in national and international competitions. Besides the physical agility and strength, sound mental health is also an imperative requirement for sustaining a long career in athletics. According to Marv Zauderer, who is a licensed psychotherapist in San Francisco, USA working with amateur and professional athletes from all sports, highlights the importance of mental fitness for peak performance. According to Marv, lack of mental fitness creates psychological barriers for athletes in achieving their optimal performance."Self-doubt, nerves, uncertainty, frustration, distractions, hesitation, fear, intimidation - all of these are obstacles to accessing your full physical potential. The body that you work so hard to train can be derailed, in a moment, by a limitation in mental fitness. But what does "mental fitness" mean, really? The effortless integration of body and mind, working in harmony to produce a feeling of flow, of being in the elusive zone? Well, yes, that's a glorious experience when (if!) it happens, and working on your mental skills makes it much more likely that it will."


