It’s so hard to find a clean fat burner that isn’t chocked up with all kinds of chemicals and stimulants that only leave you feeling jittery and weird in the end. I didn’t want a “diet pill.” I wanted something that would make my workouts and food consumption more effective for burning excess body fat. On top of that, I wanted something made from clean, natural ingredients. I have been taking their fat burner and CLA for a few weeks, with amazing results. I can tell this by how much I sweat while working out, which for me is a good thing, because I don’t sweat enough.Research shows that YOHIMBINE HCL reduces fat mass without affecting lean mass, which is crucial for optimizing body composition. DO NOT TAKE SYMBOLIC BURN IN EXCESS OF ITS RECOMMENDED DOSAGE. SYMBOLIC BURN is only intended for healthy adults over the age of 21.

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