Velofel that three definitely higher than the other Delta F 5 away patients so this is an example of showing function because that's what I'm interested in but hopefully you can appreciate that this applies across all diseases in all situations where genes are interacting with the environment and our lifestyle it's very difficult to tailor the therapy but maybe with the application of micro fluidics technologies and tissue printing and tissue engineering we can really take this down to a precision level at a cost-effective level to optimize care for all the patients that need it so with that I will end my talk and take any questions or commentshi guys welcome back it's Friday morning and we are here with Karen yep Karen how is it going I you like in the fall nice temperature changes I love it I love it are you loving every minute of it loving every minute of it okay great so anything we say is not meant to diagnose you it's just meant to give you educational information for you and your doctor to come up with your own conclusions okay 

Velofel South Africa and Julie are you there yeah why are you hi great you had a question you have changed my life I've lost 50 pounds and I'm all the way down to my goal and I have also for all your listeners taken your health coaching class course and I'm almost finished and I'm going in the direction of starting my own business I'm so excited and I just feel like you and your wonderful wife have inspired me so much and really changed my life so thank you that's awesome right that's incredible yeah I like that course just to dive in it's really amazing yeah me probably my clients hopefully in the future that I would really I've down to my goal I don't want to lose any more fat and I'd really like to recomposition my body so I gained muscle but 
