Teal Farms Keto me to just make sure it was up high enough and plus my body was screaming at me to stop so I knew my cardio was getting done it was hard to breathe and my heart was racing and another like issue I usually had with exercising was I would get really thirsty and when my throat gets dry I get a bit irritated even now just talking a lot my first dress unzip this yes so you know what I didn't even check is if the audio is recording my own enough I see this little mic thing in the corner saying oh it's recording but it's like only at the first digit so hopefully I'm loud enough for you guys I think someone would say something if not 

Teal Farms Keto um yeah I don't think that you know whatever excuses you have lined up though I don't have workout clothes or I'm too tired or it worked too much I was working I think two jobs I was going to nursing school as well and I had two pets one pet which was really demanding so I don't think you should make excuses about being too busy to work out it took me 40 minutes a day plus like a 10 to 15 minute shower driving to there was literally the five minute drive because I chose a gym close to my house if you can't invest in a jammer you really have a phobia about going to the gym mates and I suggest you buy at least go to a gym to find a machine you like and you can actually buy yourself a machine to do at home if you really can't fathom going to a gym um sometimes you just need a machine to help you and 
