Built from the ground up for social to power vibrant communities, the Ning platform, provides all the tools and expertise you need -- to make your community work for you in a matter of minutes.
- Linkin ParkLinkin Park connects fans on Ning with the band and music they love.
- Classroom 2.0 Classroom 2.0 uses Ning to create a supportive space for educators to enrich their own learning.
- Kreg Jig Kreg Tool Company uses Ning to connect customers with the brand.
- Peace Corps The National Peace Corps Association Community brings volunteers together.
Tony Hawk's
Shred or Die Tony Hawk uses Ning to spread his love of extreme sports and cultivate his personal brand. - Amplifying Education Indie band Dispatch uses Ning to take action on their passion for America's education crisis.
- One Day on Earth Ning makes it possible to enlist people worldwide to contribute to the largest participatory media project in history.
- No Depression Ning enabled the critically acclaimed music publication to transform its business.
- Neighbors for Neighbors Neighbors for Neighbors makes Boston a closer, more connected city.
- GovLoop Govloop breaks down the silos and furthers government interaction.
- TuDiabetes TuDiabetes gives individuals touched by diabetes a place to give and receive support.
- HerFuture HerFuture empowers women by providing a safe and open forum to seek guidance.
Using Ning has allowed us to build out a super robust system that has helped Linkin Park create one of the biggest fan communities anywhere on the Internet.Aaron Ray, The Collective (
How does Linkin Park use Ning?
By having a social website dedicated to their fans, Linkin Park turns fandom into friendship, building an ever-growing audience base for upcoming albums and concerts. Ning makes it easy to transform social traffic into fan loyalty.
- Mobile App Connect with fans wherever they are
- Blog Create rich content to keep fans engaged
- Branded Video Player Showcase upcoming releases and tours
- Third Party Integration Integrate with popular apps including SoundCloud & Topspin
50+ Million Albums Sold
Albums sold worldwide
#8 Ranks on Billboard
Rank reached on Billboard Social
970+ Groups Generated
Groups generated and maintained by fans
Ning's impact on education has been profound, showing the potential educational networking has to transform professional learning.Steve Hargadon, Classroom 2.0
How does Classroom 2.0 use Ning?
Classroom 2.0 is a virtual faculty lounge for educators. Members can discover how new technologies are being used in classrooms, join groups for deeper dialogues on specific topics and network with like-minded teachers.
- Forums Provide the podium to explore, share, and discuss
- Photo Gallery Bring educational projects to life
- YouTube Integration Provide a seamless, rich media experience
- Social Sign-In Make sign-in easy for members with Facebook, Twitter, Google and Yahoo!
1st Runner Up
Runner up for Best Webinar Series, 2010 Edublog Awards
216 Countries
Countries represented by a diverse group of educators
700 Groups
Groups for topics ranging from mobile learning to cyber security
Our customers love the Kreg Jig Owners Community. It's the best place for people passionate about our tools to meet and learn from each other.Derek Balsley, Kreg Jig Owners Community
How does Kreg Jig use Ning?
By creating a community for Kreg Jig® owners, the company is building a relationship with passionate customers. Having one central home for resources, sneak previews of new products and success stories ignites brand loyalty and inspires a deeper connection with the brand.
- Photo Gallery Customers share visual stories of project success
- Forum Discuss project ideas and tips and tricks
- Videos Feature "How To" videos to inspire creativity
- Social Media Integration Integrate with Facebook, YouTube and Twitter
31,400 Members
Brand champions in a loyal community
10,000+ Photos
Photos of finished projects uploaded
10,000+ Forums
Forums active discussion forums created by members
Ning is revolutionizing the way current and returned Peace Corps volunteers connect online and organize community efforts.Molly Mattessich, Community for the National Peace Corps Association
How does the National Peace Corps Association use Ning?
The National Peace Corps Association uses Ning to foster collaboration among volunteers across the globe. Uniting its community in one place, the NPCA connects current volunteers with past volunteers and enables members to exchange ideas.
- Connections Find people and projects around the world
- Social Good Identify groups where member contributions can continue through community participation
- Advice Learn from past volunteers and mentor future leaders
- News Keep volunteers updated with the latest from the national organization
Most popular source of traffic to NPCA's main website
23,000+ Members
Grew member base from zero to 10,000 in 3 months
2x More Activity
More activity, compared to the NPCA Facebook Page
How does Shred or Die use Ning?
Shred or Die has become the destination for extreme sports fans, spreading enthusiasm to the masses while maintaining authenticity with die-hard fans. With Ning, it brings together the best combination of rich media functionality and social features to create an enduring experience.
- Video Player Broadcast original shows
- Social Integration Spread the word with Twitter and Facebook
- User voting Fans in the community
- Revenue streams Interactive advertising and sponsorships
12,000+ Videos
Videos uploaded
7 Original Shows
Original shows featured
24,000+ Members
Vibrant community of fans
I’m thrilled with the overwhelming fan response and support for our Ning community.Jeb Gutelius, Amplifying Education
How does Dispatch use Ning?
Boston-based band Dispatch connects music and motivation via their philanthropic branch, Amplifying Education. Ning provides the building blocks for creating a campaign destination to inspire grassroots support, fundraise and mobilize action.
- Donation app Fundraise in just a few clicks
- Groups Organize local action by region
- Photos and videos Dynamically show the impact of service projects
- Amplify Online Action Share online actions through Facebook and Twitter
$17,613 Raised
Raised for City Year & Teach for America in 1 month
6,238 Books Collected
Books collected to support New Orleans libraries
$233k Raised
Fan-volunteers participating in 2,933 hours for local service projects
Ning's scalable platform and versatile API helped make our ambitious media project ideas into a reality.Kyle Ruddick, One Day on Earth
How does One Day on Earth use Ning?
One Day on Earth was an ambitious film project with the goal of documenting the world’s story over the course of one day. Ning enables an international community of filmmakers, non-profits, students and inspired citizens to contribute to this unique global mosaic.
- Activity Feed Spotlight latest community content and news
- Groups Enable members within close proximity to collaborate locally
- Open Platform Easily integrate with Vimeo and geo-tagged maps
- Member Profiles Give credit to behind-the-scenes contributors
10,000+ Videos
Videos submitted from around the world
16,500 Members
Active community members
60+ Partnerships
Partnerships with global non-profits
Ning allows people like me do what I’m doing for next to nothing. If it weren't for Ning, No Depression wouldn't exist.Kyla Fairchild, No Depression
How does No Depression use Ning?
After ceasing print publishing operations in 2008, No Depression used Ning to launch a community-based online magazine. Bloggers, photographers, artists and fans around the world are invited to give voice to the roots music community.
- Revenue Generation Reduce operating costs, seamlessly integrate advertising and run third-party donation app
- Custom Music Player Members upload and share the music they love
- Photo Gallery Capture the excitement from music festivals and live concerts
- Social Integration Maximize exposure with Twitter and Facebook
145,000 Visits
Visits per month (and growing)
9,200 Videos
Music videos uploaded
7,400 Blog Posts
Blog posts contributed
Ning makes it easy for our neighbors to come together and make positive changes in the community.Joseph Porcelli, Neighbors for Neighbors
How does Neighbors For Neighbors use Ning?
Local Boston resident Joseph Porcelli created this Ning community with one goal in mind: bring back the true meaning of "neighborhood." Neighbors can easily put names to faces, collaborate as one community and rally grassroots support for crime-prevention initiatives.
- Groups Unite neighbors who share common interests
- Events Calendar Showcase the latest local happenings
- Discussion Forum Allow members to broadcast and collaborate
- Blog Curate and present important citywide content
200+ Social Services
Social service and activity groups created
19 Locations
Snow-buried locations shoveled by volunteers
10,000+ Members
People getting to know their neighbors better
Ning helps GovLoop become a hub for the government community where we work together to improve government.Steve Ressler, GovLoop
How does GovLoop use Ning?
Govloop connects employees across federal, state, and local governments. By creating a central hub where active members of the government community collaborate, Govloop has become an incubator for new ideas and an ever-growing best practice repository.
- Engagement System Automatically identify and showcase popular members and content
- Member Database Collect emails and demographic information for daily newsletters
- Blogs, Forums & Groups Enable in-depth conversation on specific topics
- Live Chat Host author sessions including luminaries like Guy Kawasaki
50,000+ Members
Members attained in just 2 years
159 Countries
Countries with government employees represented
13,000 Blog Posts
Blogs posted by engaged members
Ning has empowered us with the means to help touch the lives of millions of people in the world.Manny Hernandez, and
How does TuDiabetes use Ning?
TuDiabetes empowers the diabetic community and their caregivers, regardless of ethnicity. Through Ning, community members can get educated, exchange ideas and learn how to thrive in the face of this disease.
- Forums Members share healthy diets, exercise plans and seek advice
- Member Database Community email list for monthly newsletter
- Groups Emotional and medical support for patients with similar backgrounds
- Custom Mobile App Reach members who are constantly on the go
350,000 People Reached
People reached and supported in a single year
8 International Programs
International program sponsorships received from pharmaceuticals and non-profits
$500k Sponsorship Support
Sponsorship support received from pharmaceutical companies and non-profits
With Ning, HerFuture empowers women by connecting mentors and members in a way that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.Gabrielle Bernstein, HerFuture
How does HerFuture use Ning?
Best selling author and life coach Gabrielle Bernstein created the HerFuture community as a natural extension of her books to support women. By creating this digital center on Ning, HerFuture has become the place where women help women.
- Privacy Settings Ensure a safe and secure environment
- Built-in Ustream Integration Broadcast live videos
- Groups Connect with women around topics that ignite passion in them
- Social Media Twitter integration to relay the power of the community to the social sphere
240+ Groups
Groups for women from all ages to connect
10,000 Members
Women brought together through Her Future
3,100 Blog Posts
Motivational blog posts from this supportive community