ManPlus mammogram after 40 you have to but i'm saying that every month check your breasts from the age of 17 to 18 years the villages we adopted every household is chewing tobacco and it's not only we have lot of published data look it up you know there's anti-inflammatory food also like fresh ginger fresh garlic then turmeric the by-product of turmeric is carcumin which is anti-inflammatory so they're different ways most importantly exercise 20 or 30 minute of exercise a day is really really helping in the stress level because these are different factors they act in a cumulative way and help in the you know like a lot of times it's not only about cancer it's about other diseases too so just uh wanting to touch base on all of these factors and any questions we are going to take at the end but definitely you know i cannot do it alone each of you have to step up break the shield break the barrier and we all need to scream and say break the breast taboo and you just have to do it for me
