Lush Lift Cream much better that you are managed by your in-person provider, along with your OB, who can. - The first, you know, two to four weeks, you really start seeing that pore-clearing process, - Love hyaluronic acid, yep, absolutely. Just as always, listen to what your skin tells you. My skin is different than Lindsay's skin is different than Elizabeth's skin, like-- We have one of our providers who did try this, and she did not like it. So you really have to-- Even though we say "Sure, hyaluronic acid "plus your formula sounds great," you know, try it one night, see how it feels, and listen to your skin. But I suspect it's gonna be just fine. So thank you guys for all the love, I really am so, this was so wonderful, all the questions today, those were great questions. And if we didn't answer your question, DM us and we will get back to you. And then we have a special, our next Facebook/Instagram Live is in two weeks, it's a Valentine's day special - Yay. - Which is like, one of my favorite holidays. I know that's really cheesy, (laughing) you guys, I'm sorry. - I think it's a lot of women's favorite holiday. - I just decorated my house for Valentine's day, okay. So
