My theory behind the use of carrotLa Systeme Reducteur De Graisse Avis juice comes from medical research. They have proved that it's the food we eat that causes many of today's many diseases. As the body is mainly water in its content, and as water can either be either acidic, alkaline, or neutral we have to notice that many foods tend to be acidic in their content. This is where the medical research teams have proved time and time again that by altering our food intake to one of an alkaline nature we can not only loose weight but we can also recover from many horrible diseases that are present in today's world.

Fruit and vegetable are a superb example of alkaline foods, and carrots, and carrot juice are one of the best.

Now before you jump up and down saying that carrots are rather bland or the taste is not to your liking they can be mixed with other fruits so that they can be something you look forwards to taking.
