Knightwood Male Enhancement treating men who have PE? And then we'll talk about why you might want to see a urologist. So what is ejaculation? There are four stages of the sexual response: desire, arousal, orgasm, and then resolution. As you get increasing levels of sexual arousal, you reach a threshold at which you trigger an injector, a response which usually terminates the sexual experience. Ejaculation, I like to think of as three different distinct elements: emission, expulsion, and orgasm. Emission and expulsion are a spinal cord reflex, and I'll go into what those two words mean in a moment, whereas orgasm is the pleasurable response that occurs in the brain in response to emission and ejaculation. They all happen nearly instantaneously. You don't--as an individual experiencing orgasm, you don't distinguish between the three, but I like to distinguish between the three because they are three individualized components of response. So let's
