Keto Advanced to the sky picture square And then simply keeping your gaze down or if you wish [you] [may] look up to the sky finding that breath And then slowly shifting our way to the front foot left like us warrior three Arms extended next to the side of your body hold Find your center find your balance Whenever you're ready hands can come back down. You can still keep that leg up just find your balance And then slowly feet together [four] [folds] and round out to [your] Tadasana inhale up exhale Swan Dive down Hold it here, and I'll speak are twisted Fold the other side bending the right knee left like straight left arm reach [up] to the sky Hold and 


Keto Advanced up two three four five six seven pushing last two Awesome hold it let's just pump the like [you] three Four five six in your body Some hands back to your back lengthening the Spine reaching the arms Let's come back down into child's pose to round out the back Reaching those fingers to the top of your mat Wonderful ticket be pressing [in] [exhale] [back] to all [fours]. Tuck your toes downward dog Holding here taking a deep slowly from here moving over to our reverse triangle stepping your left foot back Keeping those right fingers up breathe
