truck accident case elements Negligence is the primary liability theory in truck accidents. Accidents involving trucks and other commercial vehicles are common on California roads. This is because of the large size of trucks, which are often loaded with goods. The passengers of smaller vehicles suffer the most when accidents involving standard vehicles and trucks happen. If you suffer injuries in a truck accident, you must prove some elements before the court for you to receive compensation from the defendant. You must provide sufficient evidence that either the truck driver or truck company, among other defendants, owed you a duty of care. You have a right under California law to seek compensation for your injuries after your involvement in a truck accident. You should work with an experienced personal injury attorney to receive your deserved compensation. Truck Accident Injury Attorney Law Firm provides the best legal representation in truck accident lawsuits.


Elements in a Truck Accident


To receive compensation from the liable party after suffering injuries in a truck accident, you must prove some elements, including:


* Damages

* Liability

* Causation


Damages in a Truck Accident


The passengers of regular vehicles die or suffer severe injuries when accidents involving standard cars and trucks happen. Standard vehicle occupants suffer extensive injuries because of the difference in weight and size between the trucks and passenger vehicles. You can only file a claim after a truck accident if you provide sufficient evidence that the injuries you suffered resulted from the accident. You may suffer physical injuries that could require you to receive a particular medication. The physical injuries you may suffer include the following.


Burn Injuries


The Common Causes Of A Truck Accident Often, a truck carrying hazardous materials like fuel could explode, leading to fire when involved in an accident with a passenger vehicle. You could suffer disfigurement and permanent scarring if you sustain burns in a truck accident. If you are unable to escape immediately after the accident because of being trapped in the vehicle, your injuries could worsen. You may also sustain friction burns after scraping on the road or the vehicle's interior. More complications like infections could arise if the burns are not well treated. At times, doctors prescribe surgery on the victims because it is hard to treat burns.


Broken Bones


You may suffer broken bones in different parts of your body after your involvement in a truck accident. You could also suffer broken bones due to the accident’s impact if you attempt to brace yourself against a vehicle part before the accident. You may suffer broken bones on the ribs, arms, wrist, pelvis, and legs. Often, broken bones are expensive to treat because they require surgery. You will have pins, rods, and screws inserted in your body to hold together your broken bones. You need immediate treatment after suffering broken bones in a truck accident since it could lead to internal bleeding.


Brain Injury


At times, when you suffer a brain injury due to a truck accident, you may experience several life-altering consequences. Physiological damage, impairment of certain functions, emotional damage, and physical damage are some of the consequences you may experience. The other brain injury consequences you may experience include changes in senses, loss of vision, ringing in the ears, and loss of balance. Few victims suffer seizures from time to time. Larger percentages of victims who suffer a brain injury due to truck accidents become slow speakers, slow thinkers, and often confused. A small percentage may experience behavioral and mood changes. Frequently, brain systems responsible for social-emotional lives are destroyed, and that alters the victim's personality. Therefore, brain injury leads to cognitive process problems. Additionally, other victims may be more uninhabited, have mood swings, withdraw from their previous social circles, and become more irritable.


Spinal Cord Paralysis


You may suffer partial or complete paralysis if your spinal cord suffers severe injuries in a truck accident. You may suffer permanent spinal cord paralysis if the accident causes severe injuries on specific parts of the spinal cord. For instance, if you crash on a fixed object during a truck accident, you may suffer detrimental spinal injuries.


Back Injuries


Because of the truck's size, you may suffer extensive back injuries in a truck accident, even if a truck hits you at a low speed. The accident may cause spinal compression due to the impact. The spinal compression could also put pressure on the vertebrae leading to lower back pains and soreness.


Muscle Injuries


Generally, your body muscles could suffer injuries in a truck accident. An average human being usually has more than 600 muscles on his or her body. The accident could cause large muscle tears, detrimental muscle damage, or simple sprains. However, recovery from muscle injuries differs from one person to another. A young person who suffers from muscle injuries in a truck accident could heal faster while an older person might take longer.


Seat Belt Injuries


The seat belt you wear can cause severe injury if you are a regular vehicle driver, and you are involved in a truck accident. You could sustain whiplash injury even if the seat belts are meant to cushion you.


Rib and Torso Injuries


You may suffer severe rib and torso injuries after your involvement in a truck accident. Vital body organs in every human being are cushioned by the ribcage, composed of 24 ribs. You may suffer a rib fracture if you sustain blunt force chest trauma. You may also have breathing problems if you suffer rib and torso injuries. Therefore, seek compensation if you sustain rib and torso injuries due to another person’s negligence in a truck accident.


Internal Injuries


The organs that could be damaged after your involvement in a truck accident include the bladder, kidney, pancreas, spleen, and liver. This could lead to internal bleeding, which is hard to detect to treat, and often victims die. Internal injuries are more difficult to spot than external injuries, and most victims die because they discover the injury late.
