Hello all,

I am going to be completely honest with everyone. I am new to this form I want to let everyone know that I am also new to the world of internet marketing here is part of my story. I am a new dad, we had a baby girl a little over a year ago, she is everything to me. We live in Brooklyn New York where the cost of living is insanely High and it is so hard to keep your head above water without swallowing some every now and then. I got into product marketing video to try and earn some extra cash to supplement my current income, although I have a decent job the cost of living where I am now is a bit High and I can use the extra bucks to make it comfortable for me my wife and my child. Recently I got into affiliate marketing more specifically Amazon affiliate Niche websites. i made a few websites, generated some pretty cool content, and now i am just waiting for some of my blogs to rank. i am still going to be creating more content in the meantime, but traffic is extremely slow, even though ive done my keyword research and chose some keywords that were absolutely dumb easy to rank for, it seems as if it will never happen, im not sure if its because i am not waiting long enough or what, but my first question is how long does it take bkog post to rank? i also understand that link building is essential too, but the internet is full of outdated material, when i try and look up information on link building, im getting info from loke 2013! is there a basic link building process that can be repeated for beginners such as myself? i dont want to just drive traffic to my blogs, but my affiliate webstore as well! 

Now, as far as affiliate websites go, i also understand that these things take time before yoy start to see any traffic at all. i also wanted to try clickbank offers and create my own landing pages, what is the best method to use when creating a landing page? how does one optimize a landing page for SEO? should a landing page be a domain name? or can it be a subdomain of a website you already own? I have so many questions and I wish I had a mentor instead of guessing. i apologize for venting here, but it has been a frustrating path so far. if anyone has the patience to answer some of these questions, trust me, i will appreciate it for sure.. i am just in need of being pushed in the right direction, i dont havent alot of capital to work with and i need a method that has the potential to work, and yes i understand that most of the people on this board have the SAME questions, but there has to be someone that has this making money online thing down pat, and maybe can share some advice or a proven method? i havent seen a cent since trying out this venture, it would be nice to hear from the pros and just maybe i can earn a cent to keep mu dream alive.

thank you
