EndCalgaryLockdown promotes peaceful objection to the mandatory mask bylaw and restrictions on Calgary businesses. Under no circumstances do we condone violence or abuse towards those who believe differently than we do. 


1. The lockdowns were instituted to 'flatten the curve' and prevent our health care system from being overwhelmed. With only 323 deaths Alberta wide this year it is clear at this point there is no danger of this happening.

2. Years of life lost to the lockdown measures exceed years of life lost to the virus. Every day of delay costs more Calgary lives and creates greater hardships.

3. There is no evidence that lockdown measures, including closing businesses, social distancing, or masks are effective in stopping a virus. In fact, many experts have spoken out against these measures as being unnecessary and/or ineffectual.

4. The damage to the Calgary economy, Calgary business community, and working Calgarians is unsustainable. Businesses have already closed down. Tens of thousands are out of work. Many will lose their homes and businesses. In light of the previous points, these measures are not only ineffective but causing far more harm than good.

In addition, we are opposed to the mandatory mask laws for the following reasons:

A. There is a great deal of expert testimony that masks are completely ineffectual at stopping the spread of a virus.

B. We believe these laws to be a violation of our rights and freedoms. The decision to wear a mask should be a personal one, especially in light of point #3 above.

C. We oppose the decision to make masks mandatory for Calgary students, first, on the grounds that they are ineffectual, and second, on the grounds that not a single school-age child in Alberta has died from COVID-19. Clearly our children are in no danger, and masks will be disruptive in the classroom. The argument that children are wearing masks to protect the teachers is hollow. Teachers are 30 times more likely to die driving to work.
