Silencing the mind The Meditation Mastery Secrets Review next step is to settle into a state of inner serenity. Think of nothing. Focus on calming the mind and quieting your thoughts. Make your mind silent and blank. This will feel counter-intuitive at first. We are so used to always thinking and worrying, so when you focus on clearing your thoughts it will be awkward at first. Imagine yourself as a rock, unaffected, unmoving, and calm.
Realizing your oneness with all Once you have managed to silence your mind, begin contemplating the connections you have to every part of our tangible and intangible world. Start with yourself and then other human beings, then all creatures, all birds, animals and fish, trees and plants. You share a connection with the poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich. Realize that you are the other, and the other is you. This understanding of our oneness with the world is what some call the universal self.
Share your goodwill The last step is to take the goodness and connectedness you have experienced and project it out into the world, like a prayer. A good meditation will leave you with renewed hope and positive feeling towards the world. The last step in the meditative process is to project these feeling of goodwill and love out to people.