As the client lies on his or her back the Cranial Sacral Therapist Purathrive Liposomal B12 Review gently and with light touch decompresses the cranial bones while placing a light traction on the individual cranial bones one or two at a time. The subtle and gentle movement of these bones slowly and methodically moves into their proper alignment. This alleviates pressure with the neighboring bones of the skull. The creation of the extra space between the sutures of the head allows not only proper cranial sacral fluid flow but oxygen and blood as well. Headaches diminish if not totally disappear but the brain is able to have the space to function without restrictions and compressions.
This same process is used on all other parts of the body with the same effects. For instance, when using cranial sacral therapy on the shoulder the fascia tissue is loosened and misalignment is corrected. Trigger Point Therapy also works well with the shoulder for releasing knots. The end result is more range of motion, eliminated or reduced pain, more energy and improved quality of life. This technique can also be used to alleviate low back pain.