If you have ever seen a lifeless body, you would just Master keto diet see how the life is no longer there, that the body has almost become just like a lifeless machine with no movement, no energy, no life. The point is that our bodies without that bio-electric energy is essentially just a lump of flesh. It's the chi and our spirit that gives life to the flesh and body and without it our bodies simply deteriorate back into dust from whence they came. That is why the more chi we have, the more life we have, the stronger we`ll be and the longer we`ll live. Breathing techniques coupled with a calm, relaxed mind are the most effective methods to build up and increase our energy reserves and thus our life force.Western medicine loves to explain feelings and emotions simply in terms of physical causes claiming them to be nothing more than hormones, neurons firing or chemical reactions. It`s the ebb and flow of ones chi that is giving all cells, hormones and neurons in the body the bio-electric power they need to perform the jobs for which they were created. Without chi, the body is dead. Just as a robot or cyborg would be dead without energy and nothing more than a non functional lump of matter.This is why in teaching and lecturing over the years many martial arts masters with deep understanding of energy science talk so much about chi. Because in order to truly get to the root of all health issues and restore life, the chi must be built up, purified, and its flow and balance increased. In the presence of a body with a calm, relaxed mind all of these will occur at a far higher rate than normal. This is why learning to calm down the mind is so important to health and longevity as modern research is constantly reaffirming.As a human being you know that you're not just a mechanism or some biological robot. You have feelings, thoughts, emotions, dreams and aspirations and a desire to learn, create and expand all the time. These are qualities of the spirit and things that no machine could ever truly have. A machine may be able to be programmed to emulate those actions and emotions, but it doesn't truly posses them because such experiences are spiritual qualities that no machine could attain.