Gather enough information Rejuven 360 Review about serious skin care to have a proper guide to take care of your skin. You must consider the result you expect from the products that you want to use.
To learn more about serious skin care and how to find the best products with natural active ingredients visit my website today.Why would you want to use cortisone, a steroid, to treat your eczema symptoms when there are so many natural eczema remedies available? True, relief from your itching will be virtually immediately, but what price are you willing to pay for that relief? If you use steroids for any length of time, you could be opening yourself up to a whole bag full of nasty side effects. Thinning skin, bleached skin, glaucoma, hypertension, and weight gain, just to name a few. Oh, and don't forget contact dermatitis. Isn't that ironic? Use something to clear up a skin problem, and it gives you another skin problem.
Cortisone is a drug, and as with any drug, over time your body will build up a tolerance for it, so it will become less and less effective. To maintain any effectiveness, you will have to change dosages and types. This drug works by suppressing your immune system, opening your body up for potential infections you otherwise wouldn't have to worry about. So, your skin stops itching, but it could become infected. Which is worse?