I mentioned how it is not only physical health that activity Brain C 13 outdoors can help. Let me offer some insight on what I mean. Going outside and playing gives kids a sense of adventure. They learn they can do things and gain confidence in themselves. Climbing a tree or riding a bike on a trail takes coordination and skill. As kids see that they can master a skill, they grow confident in themselves. They try to acquire more skills to further their new found activity because it is not only fun, but gives them a sense of purpose. It is almost akin to receiving a good grade on a paper at school. It builds real self esteem.
We have a nation of kids full of fear and doubt. I believe this in large part is due to kids being stuck indoors 24/7 watching TV and playing video games. Both of which offer nothing but low self worth. Kids gain this worth by doing things that are new to them. Sitting in a house only feeds this idea that the outdoors is something to be fearful of. Does that sound healthy to you? You still wonder why we have a nation of kids who are depressed and full of anxiety? Sports offer this challenge to kids and many sports gives them a chance to go outside. I applaud that, but it is not the same as going outside to play or do some of the activities I mentioned in the summary of this article above. That need to feed the wonder and adventure kids are born with is best done with friends or family. I applaud organized sports, but kids need activity outside of that as well.