There are numerous "special tests" that will be performed Pain Absolve Rx Review when you have chronic shoulder pain. Each test is designed to give the clinician specific information about the structure being tested. We know how each structure should respond to the testing if it is normal. If it responds differently from normal then we know something is wrong with that structure.
Lastly palpation of the specific shoulder structures will help the clinician zero in on the exact source of your chronic shoulder pain. A skilled and experienced clinician will have a thorough knowledge of anatomy and will be able to "feel" the structures in the shoulder. Through palpation they will be able to isolate the tender or painful structure. Combine this with the rest of the clinical information and an accurate diagnosis can be made to better treat your condition.
In the past the traditional method for repairing a torn rotator cuff was to use the "open method" in which a large incision was made over the outside aspect of the shoulder. From here the surgeon could separate the muscles to see the rotator cuff, find the torn part and repair it. This type of surgery had its problems and because of that a newer technique called the "arthroscopic rotator cuff repair" was developed. This article will discuss the latter procedure.The arthroscopic repair uses smaller incisions and a small camera and instruments to perform the repair. The camera is inserted through a small incision and the surgeon can view the inner workings of the shoulder on a TV monitor. The repair can then be made.