Each day, go to the poster board, see what you need to Brain C 13 do first, complete the task then return to tick off that days (eg Monday space and reaffirm next action step. Continue down the list until you've done them all. As the weeks go by, you will find yourself being able to remember these items more consistently. Now you can change your self-talk from: I can't remember/I'm hopeless at remembering/I forget things easily etc to: I can remember this/isn't it great that I now remember everything on that list/wow, I really find it easy to remember what I need to do of a morning etc
Now you have proof of your ability to remember and we can shift to focusing on remembering new items. Say you need to memorise some important facts and figures for work or uni. In a similar way, create a visual list of things that help you remember the facts, have a picture, the facts or questions that relate to the facts - with the answer and then spaces for ticking off when you have the answer. Every time you walk past the list have it on your work or study desk pick it up and recall the facts that go with each question/picture - when you get it right with or without looking at the answer tick off the space. The more ticks you have in a day/week, the more your confidence grows because you have the evidence in front of you of the times you've already remembered. Which leads me to the next point.