By starting out the day with some effort you just made Uncompromised Life effort a part of your day. At my martial arts studio, footwork is the most important element, therefore each class we warm up with footwork, whether it's 5 minutes or 30 minutes. This small amount of effort juices up your focus for the day and knowing you accomplished something relaxes you, allows you to slow down, think and take a new look at your small list of goals for the new day. If it's hard for you to put that effort in one day, then fall back to commitment and just get started. Start on something easier and build momentum.Lesson Five in Napoleon Hill's book The Law of Success is entitled Imagination. Hill writes, "Imagination is the workshop of the human mind wherein old ideas and established facts may be reassembled into new combinations and put to new uses."
Everything begins in your imagination. The previous lessons of defining your aim in life, your self-confidence, your initiative and leadership were all first thought of in your imagination, visualizing yourself in possession of those qualities. Your thoughts and your imagination come first and then are organized and translated into reality as you put them into ideas, plans and action.In life, others may attempt to rob you in some way or treat you unfairly, but no one can take away your ability to use your imagination. It is yours to use as you wish.