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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930)

Dr. Watson chronicles here some of the more interesting detective cases that he and his good friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, have encountered during their association. We see the cases unfold as he does, scratch our heads as does he while the evidence is collected, and then marvel at the impeccable observations, remarkable insight, and doggedness which Holmes displays as he teases apart the tangled clues.

Packaged as twelve distinct cases, by the end of this book your own senses of observation and deductive reasoning should be improved. It's easy to see why this book became a model for detective yarns! (Summary by Mark F. Smith)

Total running time: 11:14:43
Read by Mark F. Smith

In addition to the reader, this audio book was produced by:
Dedicated Proof-Listener: Ans Wink
Meta-Coordinator/Cataloging: Diana Majlinger

mp3 and ogg files


Download The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Added by Seth on Friday, February 15, 2013
File Size 48.87KB
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