Fittings and hoses are available in a wide variety of styles and compositions. Notably, the hydraulic hose fitting's qualities are determined by the material used to make it. Brass, steel, stainless steel, or plastic are the most popular materials for fittings.
Although plastic fittings are weaker and less durable than metal ones, they are typically thought to be more corrosion-resistant. Despite their low cost, they are the least preferred option for hydraulic applications. Metal fittings are more suitable because of the high-pressure ratings.
Steel fittings are made of a combination of iron and other metals to increase their tensile strength and heat resistance. For instance, fittings composed of carbon steel, an iron and carbon alloy, can survive temperatures as low as -65°F and as high as 500°F. Steel fittings are made of a combination of iron and other metals to increase their tensile strength and heat resistance. For instance, fittings composed of carbon steel, an iron and carbon alloy, can survive temperatures as low as -65°F and as high as 500°F.
When a temperature range of -425°F to 1200°F is necessary for the job, stainless steel fittings are employed. They make great decisions for extremely corrosive settings. They typically have a 10,000 psi rating. Some stainless steel fittings with unique designs have 20,000 psi pressure ratings. However, their high cost makes them less affordable, therefore other options are typically taken into account.
Compared to stainless steel, brass fittings are less robust and long-lasting. They can meet SAE, ISO, DIN, DOT, and JIS requirements and offer leak-free operation. The temperature range for brass fittings is -65°F to 400°F. Although lower pressure ranges are typically advised, they can handle pressure up to 3000 psi.Visit this website to know more- Hydraulic Hose