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Tags: Keto 247 BHB Gummies


Keto 24/7 BHB Gummies

Cleanse Keto 24/7 BHB Gummies depend on Keto science. Assuming you've been following the weight reduction talk with any routineness, we're speculating you've known about the Keto Diet. One way or the other, here's a speedy rundown.



Category: websites
Tags: Keto 24/7 Gummies

Keto 24/7 Gummies


One more viewpoint that prompts fast weight reduction is a solid digestion. The body's digestion assumes a significant part in fat misfortune since it keeps fat from developing in the body. Researchers accept that Keto 24/7 Gummies might assist with observing metabolic rate and treat metabolic deficit as well as assist the body's normal metabolic cycle with remaining all ready overall.


Official Website - https://wellbeingmagic.com/keto-24-7-gummies/


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Why is my PS4 Controller not charging? What are the steps to fix it?
Category: Games
Tags: Ps4 controller not charging

There may be ‘n’ number of problems with your PS4 due to which you are experiencing charging issues. Let’s check out some of the possible reasons:

  1. Software issues are the primary source of almost every problem in an electronic device. You need to check for any bugs or viruses as they can interrupt the basic function of the PS4.
  2. It would help if you made sure that the charging cable is not torn or deteriorated, as this can cause PS4 controllers not to charge. Also, ensure the charger is working properly, as this can be a potential error.
  3. It can be possible that the battery or the charging port is damaged. You need to figure out the exact problem to find the proper solution.
  4. Make sure that the USB port is up and running. Any damage to the USB port can interrupt your work.

Steps to fix the “PS4 Controller not charging” error:

  • Reset the Controller: 

Suppose you suspect that the problem is occurring due to random bugs. The primary thing to do is to reset the device. Check out the steps to reset the PS4 Controller:

  1. Switch off and unplug the PS4.
  2. Remove the Controller from your PS4 and look for a reset button.
  3. You can find the reset button on the backside of the Controller. It is located below the L2.
  4. The reset button is very small, so you need to use a PIN or any other sharp object to push the button. 
  5. Hold the reset button for five seconds using a PIN.
  6. Now connect the Controller to PS4 and turn it ON.
  7. If the indicator turns blue after turning it ON, your PS4 is up and running. If not, look for other possible solutions below.
  • Power Reset the Controller:

This is one of the effective solutions to remove random bugs permanently.

  1. Switch off the Controller and remove the Controller. 
  2. Remove the power cord and wait for half an hour.
  3. Now, you need to drain all the power left in the device. Look for the power button and hold it for 30 seconds while the PS4 is turned off and unplugged.
  4. Now set up the connection again and turn it ON.
  5. These steps can fix the software problems effectively.
  • Software update

Sometimes PS4 starts malfunctioning if not updated. Let us check out the steps to update the device:

  1. Go to settings and choose System Software update.
  2. Now, if the software update is available, select the “Update” option.
  3. Once the downloading process is completed, turn the console ON and try charging again.

The types mentioned above are to fix the software issues. Check out the below steps if you need to fix the hardware issues:

  1. If the cable is torn or deteriorated, you need to change the cable.
  2. Also, if the battery or charging port is not working, get the batteries changed and get the port fixed.
  3. Also, you need to check if there is any physical damage to the Controller. It would help if you got it repaired immediately.

I hope you find all the possible solutions for fixing PS4 controllers in this article. Thank you and take care.


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