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Effective Uses of Gil in Final Fantasy XI
Category: Games
Tags: ffxi gil for sale Online
There are a few ways to earn Gil in Final Fantasy XI. You can use it to purchase new armor and travel to new areas. You can also sell it to a trash vendor. These are all effective ways to earn Gil, and will make your life much easier.

Moat Carping

Moat Carping is a great way to make tons of Gil, and it is available to players of every level. To start moat carping, you must have a Fastwater Fishing Rod and Yellow Insect Paste. These two items can be purchased from the AH for 150 gil each.

This is one of the most popular and effective ways to farm Gil in FFXI. While it is not as consistent as farming monsters in a raid, it does earn you valuable items. Using these items, you can upgrade your Relic and Empyrean Weapons, or even make Mythic weapons.

Moat Carps can be caught in any freshwater pond, and you can use various baits to catch them. However, it is best to use Insect Paste Balls, which can be made by anyone with cooking craft level 29. You can also purchase Insect Paste Balls from a vendor. The best place to fish is near the body of water, so you need to face the water.


If you've been playing Final Fantasy XI for any length of time, you know that the game's currency is called Gil. Gil is a currency in the game that can be used to buy items and upgrade your characters. It can also be acquired through battle contests. The most effective way to farm Gil in FFXI is by participating in Ambuscade, a type of battle in which you can win valuable items. In addition to earning Gil in this way, you'll also earn a hallmark, which can be used to upgrade your Relic Weapons, Empyrean Weapons, or Mythic Weapons.

Another effective use of Gil is buying large stacks of food. Each stack grants 3% EXP for thirty minutes, and that's a lot of EXP! You can buy food at various places, but Ishgard is the best place to get large stacks of food.

Chocobo Digging

As a player, you may have wondered how you can make the most of Chocobo Digging, one of the many effective uses of Gil in FFXI. Fortunately, there are several ways to make this activity more profitable. One way is to use a timer to ensure that you are not using up your time too quickly. This will help you save valuable Gil for other uses.

To do this, you must switch zones during the ride. The actual duration varies from 5 to 10 seconds. The time between digs will depend on your speed and zone, so it is necessary to adjust your game speed accordingly. The higher your digging level, the better the results will be. In addition, some valuable items can only be found by high-level chocobo diggers.

Selling to trash vendors

This is an effective way to sell Gil to others without hurting the economy. There is no inflation when gil is exchanged, so you'll be doing no harm to the economy by selling to npcs. Furthermore, you'll be maximizing the amount of items that you can farm and nms for. This will also increase your item production rate and reduce the need to buy items from npcs.

There are many ways to earn Gil in FFXI. One of the best ways is to use your Challenge Log. This is the easiest way to earn Gil in the game, and it requires virtually no effort. As long as you're consistent and follow the requirements, you'll eventually get some. Some common tasks include running random dungeons, giving players commendations, and completing x FATES at the highest level. The good news is that the requirements are repeatable every week, so you can hit them as many times as you can.

Repurchase lost items

If you've lost an item and need to repurchase it, you can purchase it with Gil. To do so, visit the Calamity Salvager, a NPC found in the 3 starting cities. You'll need to spend several Gil per item to buy it.

Gil can be obtained in several ways, including crafting. It's the number one way to earn Gil in ffxi gil for sale. When you craft items, you receive a variety of useful items that can be used throughout the game. Additionally, crafting is a universal skill that can be used by any Job.

Gil can also be earned from errands. Performing these errands can earn you gil from enemies. This is an enjoyable way to earn rewards. You can do these errands with characters from Chapter 2 or hire them from guilds. This can also be used to repurchase items that you've lost.

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Tags: Õppige kohe kõiki Catering põhiaspekte!


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