
Tagged with "One"
SAP BUSINESS ONE for Mines Solution, ERP For Blue Metal
Category: Stories
Tags: SAP BUSINESS ONE for Mines solution ERP for Mines solution SAP BUSINESS ONE for Blue metal ERP for Blue metal
Nowadays, with the implementation of new technology every process gets optimized. For these reasons SAP business one is used in the manufacturing industry. SAP finds its application in leather industry, food processing industry, mining industry. In the mining industry SAP BUSINESS ONE for Mines solution is used in controlling and automating the business.
In the mining industry ERP for Mines solution manages all the mining operations, which include capital management, controls the commodity and cost which are needed for the equipments. It provides the best decision making management efficiency with low cost. It manages the financial and manpower needs and automates them.
We provide better insights by employing SAP BUSINESS ONE for Blue metal. It provides the accurate information about the overall business with the best profits. It is easy to implement ERP for Blue metal in the mining industry as it satisfies the entire company needs such as process management, Financial management which includes sales and customer relationship management.

19, TS Towers, Navaneethammal st,
Ayyavoo Colony, Aminjikarai, Chennai – 600 029
Mobile: 044- 48577447, (+91) 9600116050
Visit Us: http://ananthinfo.com/index.php/mines

ERP For Footwear Solution, ERP For Textile Solution
Category: Stories
Tags: ERP for footwear solution ERP leather garment solution ERP for textile solution SAP BUSINESS ONE for textile solution
SAP Business One is a business software which helps to manage and control the business in an efficient way. It automates and controls your business. In handling the textile business ERP for textile solutionSAPBUSINESS ONE for textile solution plays an important role in the manufacturing industry.
SAP business One has the entire ERP application which handles the entire textile manufacturing in your industry. In addition to the leather industry, we use ERP leather garment solution to handle your leather manufacturing business. Leather garments such as footwear, belts, leather bags etc. are manufactured by integrating ERP for footwear solution.
In footwear industry SAP software automates, integrates and controls the every process in the industry starting from manpower generation to invoice calculation. If you have manufacturing industry in the multiple location, then implementing ERP for footwear solution is the best solution which handles the entire business by controlling them.

19, TS Towers, Navaneethammal st,
Ayyavoo Colony, Aminjikarai, Chennai – 600 029
Mobile: 044- 48577447, (+91) 9600116050
Visit Us: http://ananthinfo.com/index.php/leather

How Does Social Media Affect Her in Your Relationship?
Category: websites
Tags: testosterone testosterone boosters sex stamina anxiety relationships

This is a dreadful question: How does social media affect her in your relationship?

Well, it’s quite difficult to answer that question, especially considering each relationship is different. But, if we’re being honest with ourselves, we have to admit that social media adds a little bit of stress on what’s supposed to be the happier part of our lives.

Why is this? Because we are so addicted to social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Not only that, but we are also scared of what our significant other could do to us because of this addiction; Are they messaging other people? Do they like inappropriate pictures? Why are they on all the time? All these questions roam our minds and cause us anxiety of different sorts, especially if you’ve been cheated on before, and especially if we’re women.

Because of this worry and anxiety, you guys need to know and understand the boundaries of social media in a relationship. And in order to know the boundaries, you must be aware of what she finds to be a red flag.

That’s what I’m here for. I have your back and I’ll tell you what red flags to be aware of. If too many of them come up, they just might ruin your relationship. See if you’re doing any of these bad habits, and cut them before the relationship gets rocky.

Here goes.

Inappropriate Behavior

Each relationship has a different sense of what inappropriate behavior is. When it comes to social media, things like liking pictures, leaving comments, and popping up in DM’s can be considered inappropriate. To be honest, anything that makes your significant other uncomfortable can be considered inappropriate, and even disrespectful.

If things like this bother her, make sure you stop before it’s too late, and really listen to how behavior like this affects her. There’s no reason you should be liking girls’ pictures and following random girls, and there’s no reason she should have to put up with that if it bothers her. If the two of you are happy and committed, make sure there’s a change in your behavior on social media.

Privacy, and Too Much of it

I understand that some areas of life are kept private between couples. More often than not, one of those areas of life is social media. But there should be a balance, guys.

woman frustrated with partner's social media secrecyBeing too private is a major red flag. If you refuse to change your relationship status on social media, chances are you don’t want the world to know your taken. This is not a good thing; You’re basically portraying yourself as single. And, it only makes the matter worse if you refuse to post pictures of the two of you together.

Think about it this way, if you’re happy in your relationship, you innately want to share it with everyone and anyone. If you’re not doing this, chances are you’re hiding something about the relationship, or something about you (that you’re in a relationship!).

Too Much Posting

But, the same goes for too much PDA; Posting too much can raise questions. People who post too much typically prove that they are not really happy. The wrong vibe is set, and people start to think that you and your significant other are trying to overcompensate and make your relationship look a lot better than it actually is.

Instead, post a healthy amount. Show the world you have a significant other just enough. The world doesn’t need to know everything, but making it known that the two of you are together is necessary.

And, this goes for your posting habits, too. If you post too many selfies, chances you’re trying to get too much attention from surrounding parties. Instead of leaning on ‘likes’ to boost your confidence, let the relationship boost your confidence.

Always On

man reads online couple dinner glued to phonesIf the two of you go out on a dinner date, and you can’t seem to put the phone away because you’re glued to your social media accounts, then you’re active on the apps too much. Doing this can be seen as an addiction to a false reality, and that’s the last thing you want in your relationship fellas. Look at what’s right in front of you and enjoy her presence over social media’s presence.

Suspicious Pictures

You should not make your lady feel uncomfortable by posting pictures that she would not approve of. Think about it guys, do you really want her to post a half-naked picture every few days? Well, she doesn’t want you doing that, either.

I mean, think logically about this. She probably wouldn’t want you taking a bunch of pictures with your shirt off, she probably wouldn’t want you taking pictures with random women, and she probably wouldn’t want you taking photos of yourself at strip joints. Be conscious of what she is comfortable and uncomfortable with, please.

If you simply cut these habits out of your relationship, your girl will greatly appreciate it. Trust me. She doesn’t want to have to worry about your addiction to social media. It makes her uncomfortable. It may even turn her into someone she’s not, by constantly worrying her and continue making her think the worst. If the two of you are happy, and you want to stay happy, make sure you communicate fully about this topic. You need to remember, communication is key. Don’t antagonize, or choose to do, things that you know will bother her. It’s not worth the fight.

Instead, save fighting for things that really matter. Like the infamous ‘where are we going to eat’ fight, or the funny ‘it’s my turn to pick the move’ fight.


By Jenny Lyn, NUTRAMANIXONLINE / Piktochart


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