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Consult Gynecologist & Obstetrician Doctors For Healthy Pregnancy
Category: Stories
Tags: pregnancy gynecologist & obstetrician doctors Normal Delivery Obstetricians

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for every woman to prepare her body and mind for the newborn. Before delivery of the baby, proper measures and lifestyle changes must be taken to ensure the proper health of the mother and baby. we are going to discuss the weight. There must be a proper weight gain for the mother and baby during the pregnancy.



Women must gain a healthy amount of weight according to the body mass index. Visit the gynecologist & obstetrician doctors to ensure that you are gaining correct body weight. Because too much weight gain will bring gestational diabetes and blood pressure. Also if the mother gains too much during the pregnancy period, there is less chance of getting normal delivery.

Many Obstetricians suggest that there must be a correct weight gain to get normal delivery. Next, there must be correct AFI levels in women's bodies. To ensure this women must drink more water and liquid-rich foods. Women must eat more fiber-rich foods and shouldn't skip breakfast. To bring the new life to the world with good health these lifestyle changes should be adopted.

Best Hospital In Tirunelveli For Pregnancy
Category: Sports
Tags: Best Gynecologist In Tirunelveli Best Hospital In Tirunelveli gynecologist in Tirunelveli town Best Lady Doctor In Tirunelveli

Dr. Ashika M.S(OG) is one of the Best Gynecologist In Tirunelveli providing the best treatment for women-related problems and conduct counseling sessions for infertility problems Pre-Post Pregnancy problems. We guide your entire pregnancy for health-related problems. During the changes through each stage of pregnancy, our body undergoes many changes.



Both physically and mentally our body undergoes many changes due to the changes in its hormone level. Women need support to deal with changes in the lifestyle. Reach the Best Lady Doctor In Tirunelveli to get answered to your queries and to develop a healthy baby.

Also if you are facing any health issues related to thyroid, blood pressure, and diabetes, reach the Best Hospital In Tirunelveli and cure your diseases.  Get a proper checkup every month and also inform your full medical history of your gynecologist in Tirunelveli town. Book an appointment online to visit your doctor.

Placenta Previa Treatment In Tirunelveli
Category: Stories
Tags: Endometrial Issues Placenta Previa Anterior Placenta Posterior Placenta

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for every woman. Women face many health problems during pregnancy. Placenta Previa is a common problem that women face during pregnancy. The placenta develops inside the uterus which supplies food to the growing fetus. Generally, the placenta attaches to the left, right, or back of the uterus. If the placenta develops in the back of the uterus, it is known as the posterior placenta




If it attaches to the front, then it is known as the anterior placenta. The baby receives oxygen and food from the placenta through the umbilical cord. When this placenta covers the cervix of the mother's uterus, a placenta Previa problem occurs which causes severe bleeding during pregnancy. It is also known as a low-lying placenta. Normal delivery is not possible if it exists till pregnancy.

The major complications include severe vaginal bleeding and sometimes premature baby birth, sharp pain. If this severe bleeding continues, contact a doctor immediately. Proper bed rest is needed to minimize the risk. Generally, women carrying more than a fetus gets affected by this problem. For the proper treatment for placenta previa and various endometrial issues, consult a doctor immediately Tirunelveli.


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