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Different cigarette product packaging machines
Category: Ning News
Tags: Newport 100s Cigarettes

(signature of the factory director), figure 7, figure eight is also difficult to distinguish the real or false.

Three, section of the fake smoke pull business lead lifelike shape

In order to very easily open the transparent papers of cigarette packaging, a skinny strip is used in smoke packaging. Different cigarette product packaging machines will produce a set shape of the pull mind in the packaging process, therefore it is an important aspect to determine the wrapping model and distinguish the particular corresponding shape of the draw head to identify the genuineness of cigarettes. Cheap Newport 100s Free Shipping The counterfeiters frequently do not know what kind of packaging kind the different pull-head shapes match, but only deliberately replicate them on the surface. As long as we now have a deep understanding of Wholesale Newport Cigarettes typically the corresponding relationship between the pull-head shape and the Newport Regular Cigarettes packaging sort, we can find out the contradictions of the counterfeiters. It is really worth noting that we must follow in the technical update and change of the production enterprise with time to understand the changes in the process features after the update and modification.

Early Childhood Teachers As Mentors - Supporting Students in Child Care Centre
Category: Member Blogs
Tags: Waterford Childcare Daycare in Waterford Childcare Centre Waterford Waterford West Child Care Centre

Throughout the course of the year, learning students from University, TAFE, and other institutions come and go through our early childhood services. While their time with us may be only a matter of a few weeks, we can have a positive, lasting impact on their learning journey, which in turn has a lasting impact on the early childhood industry. Your own development as a child care worker can also be influenced by how you view learning students. Consider the following ideas when welcoming your next TAFE or university student into your early childhood service:


See The Student As Being On A Learning Journey

The student is working toward being a well rounded professional, but they are not expected to be there yet. The journey takes time and just as we support children in their development by helping and challenging them, so to we need to support and challenge our students.


Consider which part of the journey the student is on. Are they are the beginning of their studies or well into their course? Our expectations of a new learner need to be very different to that of a student about to complete their course.


Assign A Mentoring Staff Member

It can become very confusing for students if a number of staff are overseeing their placement. Assign one staff member to mentor and support the student, and where appropriate, have them work the same rostered hours.


Introduce The Student To Children And Families

Children usually take it upon themselves to ask about unfamiliar people, but it's a positive experience for both the student and the children to have a proper introduction. Children can then learn how to say the student's name and a little bit about them.


Take The Time To Explore The Student's Written Work

The student is an adult learner and ultimately responsible for their written assessments. However, if we are to be effective mentors, we need to understand the expectations of the learning institution and how we can best support the student. Familiarise yourself with what the requirements are, what the student needs to be competent at by the end of the practicum, and what kind of experiences the student may need to implement in their time. Do this on a daily basis, discussing with the student what they need ready for the next day.


Offer Constructive Feedback

Simply citing the students work, or signing their attendance is not offering the best of our own experience and learning. Comment on the positive things about their interactions, teamwork, efficiency and written work. Offer suggestions and ideas on how they can build upon their strengths and challenge their growth areas.


View The Student With A Balanced Perspective

This is the biggest trap centres fall into when supervising students. They tend to see students in one of two extremes.


1. As 'just a learner' - which can lead to the centre staff viewing the student as either an annoyance or extra hired help who can do all the 'dirty work' OR


2. A 'new best friend' - which can lead to the student being an outlet for staff for complaining or gossiping about the centre.


A professional mentor will know how to balance the student being a cooperative team member, but will be wise in their judgment of sharing 'in house' information about the service.


Practicums are part of the learning process, and ultimately part of developing new staff for the Early Childhood Field. When mentoring learning students remember the practicums which best supported you and why....and then be part of the positive memory of another early childhood professional as you support, guide and grow them.

Day Care Safety Tips
Category: Stories
Tags: Mango Hill Kindergarten Mango Hill Early Learning Kindergarten Near Me Childcare Mango Hill

As a parent, it is only natural to worry. You will worry about every possible thing that might happen as well as things that will probably never happen. As much as you would like to be there one hundred percent of the time with your child it may not be possible. There are some steps that you can take to help your child remain a bit safer in a day care setting.

Picking Your Day Care

When you first decide that you are going to need a care than you should start looking ahead of time. Planning ahead will take some of the pressure off when it comes to finding a day care setting for your child and will give you more time to thoroughly investigate your options. There are certain safety issues you should take into consideration when choosing a day care. The same safety issues you consider at home for your child are not that different from what you should expect from a day care.

Fencing and Other Barriers

The ratio of adult to child may be low, but children are quick and a good day care center realizes this largely through experience. No matter how much you pay attention little ones tend to wander. Although a day care center that has a high adult to child ratio is probably a much safer place for your child.

A fenced in area where children can play outdoors will reduce the risk of your child wandering off. Not only is a fence important by the type of fence is also important a fence that little bodies cannot potentially squeeze through and get stuck in is a huge safety measure.

Many day care centers are divided up into age appropriate rooms; the barriers in and out of these rooms are an important safety measure. Many facilities use half doors, and baby gates to keep the children in one location where it is easier to account for them but where the rest of the center can easily see what is happening in the room.

Sanitary Measures

Where ever children congregate there is bound to be germs festering. As a parent there are some things you can do to lower the incidence of illness. Teach your child from an early age about good hygiene practices; bathe them as soon as they come home from day care. Teach them not to drink after other people and to cover up when they cough.

Take a good look around your care center and see if there is hand sanitizer in and around baby changing stations, and near where food is eaten.

Child Pick Up Policy

Just to be safe make sure that your day care center only allows your child to leave with the folks that you have listed, keep the list short to avoid any confusion. Ask that the care provider ID's everyone that comes to pick your child up, even if they have been there before.

It may sound a little drastic, but many day care centers have many people coming and going all day long, and it is easy to remember someone's face and associate it with the wrong situation. It is best to be extra careful than risking something will happen to your child.

Day care is often a necessary part of life for parents, taking a few extra precautions never hurt anyone. Better to be safe than sorry.


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