
Tagged with "ant"
Detect Placenta Pervia Through Ultrasound
Category: Stories
Tags: Placenta Previa Anterior Placenta Posterior Placenta Best Lady Doctor In Tirunelveli

Bearing a child is every woman's dream. There was a curiosity to see a baby during pregnancy. Ultrasound shows your baby's growth and development. Doctor asks to take an ultrasound to reach whether the baby's growth reaches a milestone. Also, the baby’s sex is detected during the ultrasound. It uses sound waves to measure the baby's growth. Any placenta problems such as placenta Previa can also be detected during the ultrasound examination.



It also shows the placenta types, whether it is an anterior placenta or posterior placenta. The placenta supplies food and oxygen for the growing fetus. During the pregnancy ultrasound, skilled technicians use a transducer by sending high-frequency sound waves. This will create baby pictures.

How to prepare yourselves for an ultrasound? Doctors advised taking a lot of water before the ultrasound to see the clear movement of the baby. Patients are asked to lie flat, then lubricant gel is applied over the abdomen. The baby image gets viewed on the monitor when moving the transducer over the abdomen. Hiba Women Clinic is equipped with Best Lady Doctor In Tirunelveli to take care of the mother and baby during pregnancy.

Placenta Previa Treatment In Tirunelveli
Category: Stories
Tags: Endometrial Issues Placenta Previa Anterior Placenta Posterior Placenta

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for every woman. Women face many health problems during pregnancy. Placenta Previa is a common problem that women face during pregnancy. The placenta develops inside the uterus which supplies food to the growing fetus. Generally, the placenta attaches to the left, right, or back of the uterus. If the placenta develops in the back of the uterus, it is known as the posterior placenta




If it attaches to the front, then it is known as the anterior placenta. The baby receives oxygen and food from the placenta through the umbilical cord. When this placenta covers the cervix of the mother's uterus, a placenta Previa problem occurs which causes severe bleeding during pregnancy. It is also known as a low-lying placenta. Normal delivery is not possible if it exists till pregnancy.

The major complications include severe vaginal bleeding and sometimes premature baby birth, sharp pain. If this severe bleeding continues, contact a doctor immediately. Proper bed rest is needed to minimize the risk. Generally, women carrying more than a fetus gets affected by this problem. For the proper treatment for placenta previa and various endometrial issues, consult a doctor immediately Tirunelveli.

Best Fire Extinguisher In Chennai At Jada Fire Technology
Category: Stories
Tags: Fire Extinguisher in Chennai Fire Extinguisher service Fire Extinguisher Company Fire Hydrant Service In Chennai

Fire, security must be considered as the first thing when designing and planning the construction works. The first thing is to provide the adequate space to exit. The number of exits along with its pathway must be mentioned as guidelines when building big commercial buildings. Then fire extinguisher must be installed. There are many best fire extinguisher company available to hire when needs.



Fire extinguisher service must be done at proper intervals and time period. Proper servicing must be done to ensure the safety. Next there is a necessity to include smoke detection systems. It consists of automatic fire alarm which will send fire alarms in case of emergency.

Also, when constructing the buildings we can employ fire retardant in the interior designing and can undergo fire hydrant service in Chennai. Many multinational companies make use of these fire retardant materials in their buildings and also employs fire extinguisher in Chennai.


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