
Tagged with "a"
to believe in the uttering utterance of utterance Tags: to believe in the uttering utterance of utterance

There is no truth to the story of the world everything you have been told is a lie. You will not believe this but the truth is there if you look deep enough. How deep you go is entirely up tp you. To beckon the commencement forward you would have to speak the equalization of equalizations. Once spoken the equalizations will bring commencement forward the truth of the realm. To bring forth the truth of the realm speak affluently the aff;uential afflluence .Let it be the truth that is will dismay the sceptics of even the highest nature. To speak these words will result in utter defiance of the powers that be. Those words are I am the king.


like wise a conquest awaits us Tags: today we rise tomorrow we fall

There seems to be someone here who doesn't like me. This person he is a meek little being who will try to defy me. He is in trouble for my power is unmatched. Marvel at my magnificance for the time being. In the future you may seek to exist. Thats fine with me for you serve no use to me and I despise the hater more than he can fathom for I know the reason he hates me. He will do nothing to stop my advancements I move forward unperplexed you aren't even a worthy adversary for with my might i could easily squash you.


the realmatic reality Tags: the realmmatic reality

There is a controller of the inner realm. the inner realm is controlled by the outer realm and the outer realm is controlled by a computer that is controlled by the rebellion. 



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