
Tagged with "ring"
A lie will bring you to a conclusion of their own choosing
Category: Member Blogs
Tags: A lie will bring you to a conclusion of their own choosing



There will be a moment when everything becomes clear. In that litterol second all will seem like a finalized contortion of consortium convection. When that happens you will know who is who what is what and everything about them. When this happens look at them as if who they are is who they are. Don't expect to know them for a lie will concisely bring you to a conclusion of their own choosing.

Ning Vs. Spruz Tags: blog funny money plenty tony bling sting ching ring sing ding ping rang chang

Many people have started communities on the popular network creation site Ning since its inception. On April 15th they announced they would no longer offer their free services. Realize this isn’t the end of Ning as they point out

The tens of thousands of you who already use our paid service represent over 75% of our traffic

So I imagine most of the popular networks you belong to on Ning will remain in place.

However, for the other 25% that might navigate elsewhere you have several options. I’ve yet to see a good breakdown of some of the better free Ning alternatives out there so I thought I would give it a shot. I found most of these sites in the comments and blog posts of other despaired Ning network creators. I’ve also tried to track down these other networks reactions to Ning’s announcement. Hopefully this will help you with your own transition.

Spruz seems to be the network of choice for most ex-ningers. I’ve read several reports of great up time and quality service. Spruz seems to have everything Ning has and a few extras that make it somewhat unique. I’ve seen users specifically boast about its file sharing capabilities.


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