
Mint Tea is the powerhouse of numerous health benefits! Read this article to know more!
Category: Member Blogs
Tags: Health


Mint is packed with uncountable benefits. For its healing properties, Mint has been a medicinal drug for centuries. Moreover, Ancient people used to drink mint tea to relieve gastritis and many other stomach-related problems. Nowadays, various cultures, especially Moroccan, believe Mint tea possesses magical properties and consume Mint tea daily. This article will help you know the various benefits of Mint tea: 

Drink mint tea to get relief from acidity!

Stomach issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS), Acidity, Heartburn, Gastritis, etc. are common. Millions of people are dealing with these stomach issues daily. However, the problem with all these solutions is Mint tea. Mint tea is known to eliminate almost 90% of stomach issues. Mint tea once or twice daily can help relax the stomach muscles. Also, drinking Mint tea bile juice helps the bile juice works efficiently in digestion. As a result, the digested food passes easily through the stomach. Furthermore, you can add a hint of ginger to your tea which will do wonders with Mint.


Bad breath? Mint Tea proves beneficial for you!

Bad breath is a very common problem these days. Due to our poor eating habits and hygiene, our mouth becomes a house of bacteria and can cause serious damage if not treated on time. Therefore, Mint tea is a proven drink to eliminate bad breath. Also, Mint tea helps with bad breath and reduces the chances of tooth decay, infections, enamel erosion, etc.

Start your day with freshly prepared Mint tea and see the bad breath getting away. Moreover, please use toothpaste, including peppermint flavor, for best results. 

Mint tea can save you from strong menstrual cramps!


The benefits of Mint tea are uncountable as the list goes on! A cup of Mint tea is one of the most effective remedies for menstrual cramps. Mint is known to help muscles relax. Therefore, You can rely on Mint tea during menstruation as it helps in reducing uterus contraction. As a result, you will get comfort from cramps.

You can now enjoy tea and lose weight simultaneously!

It is a myth that you must cut off tea to lose weight. On the contrary, mint tea is proven to promote weight loss. Mint tea has zero calories, making it an ideal drink for losing weight. Consumption of mint tea on an empty stomach burns the stubborn fat at a fast pace. Also, it has a sweet sugary flavor that can help reduce the sugar craving and satisfy hunger curbs. 


Mint tea helps improve sleep and mood!

One of the most amazing benefits of mint tea is that it helps regulate sleep. Mint tea does not contain caffeine and is safe to drink at night. Mint tea calms nerves, promoting sleep. Also, Mint tea contains healing properties and helps relax your mood. The first thing you consume in a day decides your mood. Please make sure to have a cup of tea to reduce mood swings and improve concentration. 

The Best and Must Try Toppings for Ramen
Category: Member Blogs
Tags: food

A lot of people like food with an Asian flavor. A popular dish called Ramen was first brought from China to Japan. It is essentially a vegetable, meat, and stock-based Japanese noodle meal. The toppings you choose for your Ramen will affect the flavor, but a wide variety is available, from kakuni to cheese and corn.

If desired, you can customize this dish by adding a few suggested toppings below.

Meat and Seafood Toppings for Ramen

Along with vegetables, pork and seafood make excellent additions to ramen soup. In addition to being fantastic sources of protein, they also offer a savory and umami character that pairs perfectly with broth. To attempt, consider these typical ramen ingredients.

Smoked Oysters

The fact that you can easily obtain smoked oysters in most of the stores makes them a practical seafood alternative. When you consider the ingredients in Ramen, this might not be at the top of your list, but it’s still a simple and convenient way to spice up your soup.


The Japanese word kakuni means “square simmered.” You can use this common variety of ramen meat to increase the savory flavor of your soup. Kakuni is traditionally served after being chopped into squares and cooked.

Veggies Toppings for Ramen

Bean Sprouts

Bean sprouts have a crisp texture when properly prepared, which contrasts beautifully with the softness of the noodles. They also taste sweet and nice. Because of their adaptability, bean sprouts can be used either cooked or raw in a dish.


Ramen frequently has onions as a topping. Regular onions balance the dish’s richness without overpowering or detracting from the other flavors, even though they have a stronger flavor than green onions.


As we’ve seen, a variety of vegetables, including cabbage, are frequently used in ramen recipes. There are several varieties of cabbage, and they can have distinct flavors. Although raw cabbage has a bitter taste, it pairs well with other components when they have opposing flavors.

Shiitake Mushrooms

Even though shiitake mushrooms aren’t one of the more common additives to Ramen, they would undoubtedly create a unique culinary experience. Mushrooms are a wonderful source of vegan-friendly protein, along with tofu and almonds. They add a unique flavor profile to the dish.

Ready to eat toppings for Ramen

American Cheese

Put this dairy item into a steaming bowl of instant Ramen and let it melt fully. Enjoy a creamy and cheesy noodle soup with little effort by stirring the broth until the ingredient is fully absorbed.


One of the odder ramen toppings is corn. The sweetness of the corn will blend well with the remainder of the dish, despite the fact that this may not be one of the most obvious options. Butter and corn are frequently used so that the Ramen will have more flavor.

The most reliable Character of Dungeons and Dragons(D&D), Paladin 5e, is out now! Read all about the five classes of Paladin.
Category: Games
Tags: paladin 5e gaming

Dungeons and Dragons are among the prestigious games in the world of fantasy role-playing games. Paladin is the game’s playable character, which is responsible for maintaining law and order. Moreover, Paladin plays a vital role in the game as they are the holy knights who slay in the name of justice. Also, they are excellent sorcerers with the ability to cast strong spells. There are five major classes of Paladin, which will be discussed in this article.

Paladin 1st edition to 3rd edition:

The Paladin introduced in the first edition exhibits good and divine qualities. The main aim of the first edition of D&D Paladin is to create an environment where everyone follows and respects lawa. Also, there were several powers given in the hands of Paladin to deliver justice then and there. In the first edition, only humans played the Paladins.

Paladin 4th edition:

The first edition of Paladin was categorized as the Warriors. They used to maintain law and order by using spells and tricks. However, the second edition of Paladin has another role to play. With the responsibility of maintaining law, Paladin is required to fight against any threat that comes to harm their territory. Also, several new characters are introduced in the run.

Paladin 5th Edition:

In the Paladin 5e, the role of Paladin is not limited to the knighthood. However, they have been given the status of champions to protect a particular deity. Moreover, any class of Paladin can get the role of Paladin 5e, and they can not lose their Paladin status or be disgraced.

Features of Paladin 5e:

  1. Paladin 5e is known for its excellent Spellcasting properties. You can count on Paladin for possessing healing spells and magic potions. Also, Paladin is known for casting various smite spells that can result in serious property damage. Some popular smite spells include Divine smite, serious smite, etc.
  1. One of the most popular superpowers that Paladin 5e possesses is the Lay of hands. This Lay Hands power allows the Paladin to heal their allies with a single hand stroke. Also, they are capable of bringing someone back to their senses.
  1. Paladins are defined as divine characters who do not rely on instincts. This is because they’ve got a superb sixth sense which helps them sense threats long before they come.
  1. Paladins are blessed warriors who have got divine health. That means Paladin does not get hurt or sick very easily unless there is deadly combat. However, the Lay on hands features help them save themselves from these combats as they can cure themselves just by touching their wounds.
  1. A Paladin must have a good wisdom score. A wisdom score is most important for a Paladin to maintain to unlock the higher levels of divine spells.
  1. Charisma and Strength are the pillars of Paladin as they help them to maintain their knighthood in the game. Also, in Paladin 5e, no one can remove or replace a Paladin from their status.

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