
Category: Stories

SEO Empire is an Australian owned and operated company. Our SEO work is all done here and we work with you as a business partner, not just a service provider. Our team have extensive knowledge in SEO, SEM, social media and website design.


SEO Empire are not like all those other companies offering you SEO services that will probably not get you where you deserve to be. We specialize in only one thing SEO….

Our Solutions

If your website is out of date, SEO Empire can create you a new website you will love and be able to manage yourself if required. Your company website is the forefront of your business and you need to make it capture your audience and promote it on search engines to ensure you are found first!

Our Technology

Our business is making your business have the latest technology. We constantly upskill our team and ensure your website meets all the latest standards and works across all mobile devices. We offer websites for a small business or large custom ecommerce websites. We host our own servers and the best possible tier 3 data centres and ensure your data is always safe and backed up on a daily basis.  We offer secure sites that accept credit cards, PayPal and soon we will offer Bitcoin gateways.

Our Mission

We are an enthusiastic and passionate team who are driven on your company succeeding. We are all experts in our field with many years of experience in what we offer. SEO Empire consist of full time and contractors which ensures that you always have the desired expertise on what is needed. We love getting your company to the top of search results and increasing your profits as word of mouth is what we have built our reputation and business on.

Alpha Fuel xt Review
Category: Stories
Tags: alpha fuel xt

Alpha Fuel X, a body enhancer, helps you incredibly to make your dream of getting toned and perfect body come true.  Do justice with your sweat flooded while exercising in a gym with this nutritionally enriched and 100% safe supplement.


How I become king
Category: Stories
Tags: king



Advised by the men I told the truth to my father. I lived the lie before and I knew I could do it again but not this time. I looked upon him and swore to tell him what had really become of the land he had set forth for my brother. I have gifted the land to the Jews I told him. What? he replied looking at me sternly. The land I said I gifted it. How could you he said becoming very angry. Well I said it was to become friends with their people. I don't believe this he replied. I set that land aside with the instructions it go to my son your brother. How could you do this. I'm sorry father I stammered. Well remove them from the land and the people once gone the land will be presented as I have instructed. But father I shrieked the land is their home they have no place to go. I don't care he screamed if their not gone by midday i will have them removed myself! And as for you you have made a strict enemy out of your own brother and also made a mockery of thyself. I will have you confined to your quarters. but... I stammered. No buts. I'm furious with you. Fine I replied and left the presence of my father. I went straight to my room and looked out the window at the home of the Jews. Throw them off the land indeed.. For he has no mercy. So my brother can have another parcel of land to call his own. What a tyrant they could both be. As for me I myself have the concern of the people. I will do what's just and right not what's best for my brother and thyself. My father will behead me for if he knew what I had planned he would certainly order my death. I gathered all I could muster and walked back into his chambers. Father I said I would like to speak to you about the home of the Jews. The land my father replied that belongs to your brother? What now? They can't leave and I will oppose you at every stretch I replied. He look at me bewildered and shrugged. So have it your way. Guards! he screamed. Seize him! I slashed at him with the sword from my side and my blade met flesh. I had slashed his throught deeply and blood sputtered from with in. How could you he said with a look of astonishment. I replied back I have watched this tyranny for to long its about time I took action. I plunged the sword deep into his heart. Enjoy the after life father I said with a feeling of satisfaction. I snatched the crown from his head and placed it firmly onto my own. I am the new king I said to the guards. Now where is my brother?


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