
Win A Cell Phone.

If you call this phone and it rings the phone is yours. The number starts with 508-943 and you have to guess the other numbers. The phone is a brand new Blackberry. Anybody who cheats and knows who this is are not going to get the phone. Ready set start dialing!

Computer Problems

Got a mushed computer. Its all mashed up. If you know how to fix a computer that's been mashed and mushed please email me. Sorry I can't give more details but I'm using the mashed mushed computer to post this and its tough. If you have ever typed on a mashed mushed computer you know what I'm talking about. If not just picture mashed and mooshed potatoes all over the place there man. That is what this computer is. Anyway I can pay but not a lot I own a parking meter that doesn't pay that much. So pay is likely to be in change. Mostly quarters, dimes and nickels no pennies.

Your moving slow

People often call upon me to ask "why the heck does life move so fast?" So I answer "is life moving fast or are you going slow get out of your rocking chair. Come on baby Lets go!!!"


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