bluoxyn he's has the right to do to women and he's filling their heads up with some nonsense information super nonsense information he wrote maybe one or two books how to think like a man or something like that and they made it into a movie and he's been telling women who are basically low standard women okay low standard women who are dumpster diving for their men and they they've been filling these heads up with a lot of these women are single moms women with tattoos on their titties I mean just outlandish one of the biggest Simpson number one monkey sim fanzi number one for a long time the red pill community has had it out with Steve Harvey Steve Harvey has cated Kate and catered his content which women out of control women women but do a double backflips on men for 20 years and they want to get a man all of a sudden they want to trade their whore car in for for a wife now he's been pimping his product to these women now he got a daytime talk show okay he's on family feud he has some ownership in that he has some ownership in his production company related to the I believe it's the Miss America or Miss USA pageant I think he got that from Donald Trump so this individual I mean Steve Harvey's been a number one cent and a target for red pill men for a long time there's plenty of videos so to hear that he potentially could be getting a divorce from his wife his third wife gentlemen is it's kind of like the chickens coming home to roost it's something that we can now look at and say you know Steve we should you should have known better than this you should have known better than this and what you've been doing so much damage to these women actually basically telling them to hold out after they've been whoring around okay and and all of these nonsense things to make them believe that they actually weren't the prize and had value this is kind
