Teal Farms Keto tell me uh-huh when you're slimmer lots of men stop and try to help you so it's kind of got that little benefit as well um let's see what else there's nothing I'm trying to think of hindrances for people who might lose want to be losing weight the diet it's a big thing it's a calorie in and out you just need to calculate it it doesn't really matter what you're eating there's a lot of fads out there like fasting diets I think fasting is actually pretty healthy for you as long as you do it safely you should read up about fasting fasting is basically just not eating for 12 10 hours a day you can eat actually in that time very just not very much um a lot of people are afraid that if they put their body in starvation mode they'll just turn straight in fact there's a lot of myths out there a lot of people eat way too much protein when they start working out because they just don't understand the medical science of it the only reason why you need protein is if you're really trying to bulk up on muscle or you're somebody who has a really fast metabolism and you just need to gain weight our diets naturally have way too much protein in them already and that's a big reason why so many of us are overweight like drinking protein shakes or like having protein bars when you work out it is the commercial industry has tricked you into thinking that's what you need to workout and lose weight but in fact they're just harming you because more protein you ingest and you don't use turns straightened fat I'm sorry to break it to you if you do not use the protein you take in it deposits into fat that is what really happens so don't be going crazy on all these protein products because the more protein jaqen the worse it gets for you if you're a man and you're trying to bulk up and lose weight at the same time protein I would suggest you don't use protein for like your until you get cool sir to your goal weight and then you can start using it to help bulk yourself up the more muscle you have the more calories you have so I think that's where people get confused at like building muscle is good for losing weight because if you have more muscle you burn more calories naturally that's okay thanks for coming back I don't have as many people on this life this time because I'm not teaching them how to make money from Instagram that was a little bit more successful life people don't really want to lose weight because they just like they say they do but then they don't I should have done this like at New Year's when everybody has a New Year's resolution and they want to lose weight but you know the time is now don't wait for New Year's times now um the reason why I'm doing this now is because I didn't vlog ready for Monday so I put something on YouTube otherwise I'm breaking my oath to upload every Monday and then I lose subscribers I think I don't think I'll actually subscribers but you know the algorithm the robots inside of YouTube will say you didn't upload regularly you didn't get comments you made it like so YouTube will hate me um I really think that like I said well I just wrap up that's protein miss don't believe everything we brought 13 the Atkins diet is really unhealthy for you don't do that that is a carb removal diet you don't want to put yourself in metabolic acidosis it's not a healthy state for your body fasting is okay that's not bad for you going into the no carbs situation you're kind of like harming your brain a little bit you can do at least your body needs nutrients and it needs certain things that's why I didn't restrict myself from eating anything I wanted to I 


