Today, a lot of attention has been given to a fit body, and it is commonTotal Trim11 for people to work out rigorously to lose weight or to build muscle mass. As much as exercise is important to achieve this result, so is a good diet to complement it. And that is where lies the importance of a post work out meal or the meal you eat after a workout.
During a workout, small tears occur in the muscle fibre and the connected tissue and the body gets drained out of fuel sources called muscle glycogen. The muscles wll then attempt to rebuild themselves for which they should be provided with raw materials to accomplish it. The raw material which the muscles need in the refuelling process and to repair the fibre and tissue is what we call as the post work out meal and is considered to be the most important meal for people involved in strenuous workouts.
The post workout meal has to be carefully planned to include the right nutrients in the right ratios. It is very important to understand what type of essential nutrients has to be eaten soon after a workout and what food has to excluded from a post work out meal. So first lets look at the nutrients to be eaten after a work out.
The muscles need carbohydrates as well as proteins to replace their drained fuel sources (muscle glycogen) and to begin the rebuilding process. The richer the post work out meal is, the better it is for the quick recovery of the muscles and the sooner they can get started. The goal of proper post-workout nutrition is to quickly and efficiently refuel the muscles to be bigger and stronger.