BV also causes your vagina to discharge Unlock Your Glutes Review more liquid than normal so that smelly liquid is basically getting pumped out of your body in hyperdrive. It stinks (literally) and it usually comes out as a grayish white color that can be seen if it seeps through your clothing. Not the best experience in the world.For a natural treatment you can do right now all you will need is some yogurt. You'll want to make sure that it is sugar free of course. Also only use plain yogurt. Don't use anything with fruit or anything else that could be bad for your vagina.
Yogurt naturally has good bacteria that will help fight off your BV. You can either eat the yogurt and let your body work it through your system, or you can directly apply the yogurt to your vagina and inside.Ovarian cysts can develop on one or both ovaries and size will vary from a tiny lump to a cyst as large as a softball. Most of us aren't even aware that cysts are developing as we experience no symptoms whatsoever. These simple ovarian cysts are generally benign and will not develop into cancer.
For the rest of us, those who have cysts that get large enough to give us considerable discomfort, finding an the right remedy is of paramount importance.The medical profession tends to give the option of surgery or hormonal therapy. Both of these treatments will remove the current cyst(s), but, unfortunately both are short-term fixes, unless you intend to stay on hormone pills for the rest of your life. As a result, simple ovarian cyst do come back and make your life a lot more miserable, each time.