As a result having this kind of phobia may send Activguard Review you into the safety of your own home or other smaller spaces where you feel you will have more control of the situation. Left untreated such a fear can be debilitating. Don't wonder if one day you will no longer want to leave your home, even if it means having to give up your job and other things. The good news is that agoraphobia treatment is available and can help you recover.
Since agoraphobia is classified as a panic disorder it can be treated medically with the same drugs that are used to treat those illnesses under this umbrella. SSRI's and forms of other anti-depressants as well as benzodiazepines can be used to help deal with the feeling of anxiety and other physiological symptoms which are manifested. Of course the same side effects will be felt when using this type of treatment.
For a non-drug related approach to agoraphobia treatment there are many different types of therapy which can be applied. This is one of the most popular methods used to help deal with this disorder. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT can be used just as in the same case for other panic and mental disorders. With this method you can learn how to deal with your negative thoughts about panic, anxiety and being in public. Aside from this it will also teach you how to turn this negative thinking into something more positive so that you will be able to cope with the different situations.