However, some setups increase the house edge - Lottery Cash Software Review which will also increase the kind of earnings you can get if you beat them, so just weigh your risks. Play an eight deck game and the house edge increases by about .02%. Not that bad. Well, what about these: when the dealer hits a soft 17, or doubles down on a 9 to 11 only, then house advantage increases by as much as .22%. The rule of "no double after splitting pairs" also adds to the casino advantage by .13%, while natural pays 6 to 5 makes it leap an additional 1.45%.
Whew! Can you feel the pressure?
Different gambling sites have different house advantages, so review the game rules and see whether or not you're comfortable with it. Of course, the higher their advantage, the higher payouts they give-it's all part of the territory. The basic thing is that you know what you're up against.