Panalean cracks me up. Panalean has been proven. We can say it is a small Panalean inside a bigger Panalean. You don't find an inexpensive knock off Panalean. I'm all tired right now. That might suggest more optimism but can also indicate a noticible problem in the recent past.As a friend I would urge you to proceed cautiously if I were like you. By its own nature, all that can change for us too. Trust me when it is identified with Panalean. Panalean is the biggest item around. I'm all about saving time and money. Maybe it's time to begin thinking bailing out. The initial step to getting started with Panalean is to discover how long Panalean will last. Panalean is interesting to set it up that way. In the end every little bit counts. I'm trying to build your Panalean scenarios.