Accountability is a powerful Digestit Colon Cleanse Reviewstep to include in any weight loss plan. Get an accountability partner. Not a friend, because that almost never works. Friends are too good at convincing you not to go exercising and following your diet. Get someone who already is fit and knows what to do, they won't take no for an answer if you're not in the mood to exercise or eat well.Motivation is key, as I said above. If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks you have to be motivated and you really have to want it. If you're really sick of carrying around those extra pounds then you will get to your goal.Taking Notes is crucial. You have to know how many calories you're eating and you have to make sure you're consuming less calories than you are burning. This is simple mathematics. If you're eating more than you're burning then you will gain weight. Rewarding yourself is also important. You do not have to be on a super healthy and strict diet 100% of the time. You can allow yourself some leeway once a week, this will not hurt your fat loss efforts, but do not go overboard.Discover the real belly fat loss secrets by visiting my website today and taking advantage of the tips and tricks I personally use to keep my body fit and healthy.