Extensive scientific research has proven, that it is possible Semenax Review to permanently enlarge a penis, by using stretching exercises. So it is possible and even medical doctors use them and recommend them. Countless number of people have successfully made their penis bigger. It does not matter what your age, genetics or penis size is.
These stretching exercises are very simple, effective and most importantly permanent. How do these exercises work? The amount of blood that flows into your penis chambers, determines how big your penis is. Some people just have very large penis chambers, so a huge amount of blood can flow into the penis, making the manhood bigger. And other guys just have very small chamber, so very little blood can flow into these chambers.
These penis stretching exercises help to stretch the tissue of these chambers making them larger and they are able to contain more blood. This process takes time, like building muscles in the gym, takes time. How much you can increase length of penis, depend on several factors.