Purple grape juice, wines and purple table grapes are proven to provide Cardio Clear 7 Review antioxidant and anti-platelet activity protection which brings us to what is know as The French Paradox. This phenomenon first received national attention in 1992. It has been publicized that on average, the French eat more high-fat foods, almost three times as much, as Americans. They ingest four times as much butter and smoke more and yet they generally have healthier hearts. This paradox is attributed to the fact that the French drink a lot of red wine, 52 liters annually, while Americans consume 9 liters.
The flavonoids in red wine are rich in cardio protective properties. Though no one would recommend a high fat, high cholesterol diet the high sugar and alcohol content of grape juices, wines and table grapes are also not suited to be used in large amounts day after day.Men in the age group of 50 to 80 and those with high blood pressure are more prone to abdominal aortic aneurysms.
People with a family history of the disease and those who smoke are also at greater risk. Abdominal aneurysms rupture in one fifths of cases, resulting in a potentially fatal situation.Abdominal aortic aneurysms are usually asymptomatic in most people, but some may feel pulsations in the abdomen. Pain due to a worsening aneurysm is felt as a piercing pain deep down in the back, and leakage results in excruciating and continuous pain.