There are differences between the ordinary memory training systems Neuro Defend Reviews and mental photography training. The following will give you a basis as to what makes mental photography unique and how it can do so much more for your memory.Ordinary memory training is usually based on what is referred to as the "cup and hook" method. This is an associative method that can take a lot of time and practice. The great part is that you can get very good at it. But the downside is that if you don't keep it up, you'll just go right back to where you were.
On the other hand, mental photography is an extraordinary brain exercise. It exercises your brain with the ability to push you past your normal limitations.In doing so, it triggers a change to happen within your brain. This change is commonly known as "brain plasticity" and it stimulates your brain to structurally undergo a change. You grow more dendrites.What are dendrites you ask? The dendrites in your brain are memory storage compartments which grow off the brain cells, like hair. As you grow more dendrites, you are actually growing new memory. The quantity of memory that you can access and possess structurally increases in your brain.
I do not know about you, but to me this is a very cool thing. Ordinary memory training does not do this. Regular memory improvement techniques have difficulty in pushing your brain past the limits that triggers brain plasticity to grow more dendrites.Needless to say, it is nice to know that when you mentally photograph a book, a natural bi-product of the process is automatically growing more memory, which stays there as a structural component within the brain, permanently.