It is a fascinating and stimulating perspective on manifest form Numerologist Com the explanation of which I'll leave to those who have studied form as a vocation. I must say here, however, that I use Sacred Geometry in my energy healing and crystal work, as well as in my shamanic healings. But to explain the mathematical relationship from one shape to another requires a mathematical language and expertise I do not possess. I can suggest a great book, SACRED GEOMETRY- PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICE, by Robert Lawlor. I find this book to be a constant inspiration when I am compelled to go deeper into my understanding of form; I haven't yet exhausted Lawlor's wisdom. I especially recommend it to the Lightworkers and Energy Healers who may be reading this. It will give your work greater depth, understanding and efficacy.
From our perspective, let's begin with the element of ether. The form associated with this element is the dodecahedron. It is a twelve-sided form, within which all other forms of the platonic solids can be found. There are five platonic solids, one associated with each of the five elements of life. These five solids are contained in all form. From my perspective ether, seemingly unformed, is the validation for the awareness that thought has form.With this awareness based on science and math, the foundation for Sacred Geometry, all life comes from the element of ether - the universe, the stars, the House of God. It is the origin of consciousness; thought and emotion are the byproducts. And it is thought, and the subsequent emotions or feelings from thought that creates everything we identify through our five senses, what we acknowledge as holding form.