One solution for treating your constipation Li Kung 14 Day Liver detox Review and reducing belly bloat is to use a colon cleanser. Colon cleansing dates back to ancient Greece. In the 1920-1930's colon cleansing was very popular in the USA and is now having a resurgence in popularity. One of the main principles behind colon cleansing is an ancient belief called the theory of autointoxication. This idea that undigested meat and other foods will buildup mucus in the colon. This buildup produces toxins which can potentially poison the body causing weight gain, headaches, fatigue and reduced energy.
When you look into conducting a colon cleanse you may not understand how painful or strenuous it can be. Of course this is not supposed to scare you, in fact it is simply meant to guide you into a softer method.
Pass less than three stools per week. Stools are very hard. During bowel movements you strain excessively. Experience a sense of rectal blockage
You feel like you have had an incomplete evacuation after having a bowel movement. You experience having to use manual maneuvers to have a bowel movement, such as finger evacuation or manipulation of your lower abdomen. Generally simple changes in your diet and lifestyle will help alleviate symptoms and manage occasional constipation. You may want to consider one or more of the following: