Foods with low carbs Science Based Six Pack Review are low in fiber and high in fats which can lead to constipation problems and even colon cancer. The body will become weak due to the loss of energy which is provided by carbohydrates. Don't forget that carbs make the bones and muscles strong and also improve the immune system of the body. If carbs are replaced with high proteins, chances are that calcium may flow out of the body with urine causing loss of bone mass. This all is the result of low carb or without carb diet. Do you think that you still would like to follow the low carb diet and face the consequences?
Cutting carbs can help anyone to reduce weight but the fact is that our body requires all the important nutrients from different sources. Whether they are carbs, vitamins, fats or minerals etc, for the wear and tear of the body or to maintain the energy levels, all the nutrients play their important part and eliminating a particular thing from the diet can prove hazardous for the body. A moderate part of every thing should be included in your routine diet and wit